VE3IHR Inverhuron Ham Radio Club
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Call Rob Noakes
Tiverton, On
1 519 562 3621
We operate an HF Remote Station at out home location in Inverhuron, Ontario
on the shores of Lake Huron. Grid Square EN94EG
The station is a Kenwood TS 870 connected to a 9 band Hustler Vertical antenna giving excellent performance across all 9 bands in the Phone and CW portions.
80M is limited band width with the vertical.
Full band with the 80M Delta Loop on Ant 2 on the Remote. ATU available and should always be used before TX.
It operates on 10M, 12M, 15M, 17M, 20M, 30M, 40M, 80M and now 160M, connected to Antenna 1, ATU to always be used before TX.
Extra antennas. 80M Delta Loop, Antenna 2
3 element tri band Yagi, 10, 15 and 20M Available only when Rob is in the shack.
New as of late November 2023, an Ameritron AL-811 Amplifier for use in group operations when Rob, VE3PCP is in the shack.
Our HF Remote is set up for full CW operation for experienced operators.
We use RCForb RemoteHams Software and out station is listed as:
Inverhuron Ham Radio Club
We now have a second Remote Station.
Welcome to our new VHF/UHF Dual Band Remote using a Kenwood TM-D700 Radio.
It's currently set up for few local repeaters with a Dual Band Vertical Antenna.
It is listed as
Latest News!

Upcoming club event.
Tuesday December 12, 2023
Celebrating 122 years of Radio.
On the 122nd anniversary of Marconi receiving the first Trans Atlantic signal at Signal Hill in Newfoundland.
We will be operating at VA3XXT through our HF remote station and we are working on a schedule and list of operators.
Check our QRZ page for the latest or our Club Facebook Group.
Saturday October 7, 2023, we will be set up at our local Tiverton Fall Fair to conduct a Simulated Emergency Test.
We will update details as it gets closer.
Any and all are invited to participate either on site or on the air.
We will be set up on site operating on HF and VHF using emergency power and temporary antennas.
We will also be recording on air activity through our 2 remote stations at home a few km away in Inverhuron.
Anticipated operating schedule: (Subject to revision)
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM - 80M (3.755 +/-)
12:00 PM to 12:30 PM - VHF thru VE3PER, Port Elgin 146.820, Monitoring
12:30 PM to 1:00 PM - VHF thru VA3CAX, Berkeley 145.290, Monitoring
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM - 40M (7.130+/-)
We may also do some operating on 20M in the afternoon for demonstration purposes only and not part of the SET.
Looking forward to a great event!
12 December 2021 marks 120 years since Marconi received the very first wireless transatlantic message at Signal Hill, spawning a new era of wireless communication.
For the month of December, SONRA will host a special event, celebrating 120 years of advancements in radio technology into the 21st century with the call sign VD1M.
There will be a special limited edition qsl card to commemorate the event. We hope to hear you on the air in December.
Please keep tabs on our YouTube Channel for a livestream on December 12, 2021.
See link Below.

Latest News, October 30, 2021
We will be operating our portable club station at the Bruce County Administration Centre in Walkerton, On for the Simulated Emergency Test, Saturday October 30, 2021. EN94KC
Local Time - 10AM to 12:00 Noon 14:00 to 16:00 UTC.
Hope to hear you on the air!

Bring on the weekend.
VE3IHR will be operating Field Day this Saturday and Sunday, June 26/2/2021 in the day use area at Inverhuron Provincial Park.
Rain or shine, we will be there. Hoping the thunderstorms stay away!
#VE3IHR #VE3PCP #VA3AQZ #VA3KGZ #VE7NI #ractweets
Inverhuron Ham Radio Club August 19, 2020
We are pleased to announce that club station VE3IHR will be operating this weekend, August 22/23,2020 for the annual International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend at the grounds of the Kincardine Lighthouse and Museum.
With the current pandemic restrictions in place, the lighthouse is closed but we will not let that hold us back.
We will be running our station from our mobile that will be parked at the access road that goes by the base of the lighthouse along the dock beside the river entrance.
We hope to set up our stackable fibreglass pole with the drive on flag pole base and run a 20M vertical and 40M inverted L that we have used with our event trailer.
Will operate both SSB and FT8 on this two bands.
Our operating schedule is not 100% determined yet but hope to be there Saturday morning and again Sunday morning.
Visitors are welcome as it is a public space but we ask that you observe all social protocols currently in place. We will be operating inside the cab of the truck so windows can be down to chat with folks.
We will post any updated info leading up to the weekend on our Facebook group page.
Hope to talk to you on the air!
Rob Noakes VE3IHR

VE3IHR ILLW 2020 (PDF — 127 KB)

Getting Ready for Field Day 2020!

Inverhuron Provincial Park

Latest Video
Jamboree on the Air 2019, October 19, 2019.
VE3IHR will be set up at the Tiverton Lion's Hall, Tiverton, On.
The event is open to the public and we invite any and all to join us to speak with youth involved in Scouting world wide.
Setting up Saturday morning and operating during the day on Saturday.
We will be st up to operate on 80M, 40M, 20M, and 17M with our newly minted fan vertical.
Keep an ear out for us!
Rob, VE3PCP, Alicia, VA3KGZ, Justin, VA3AQZ.

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
August 17/18, 2019
Kincardine Lighthouse and Museum
Sat 10AM to 5PM, Sun 11AM to 3PM
40M, 20M Phone and FT8
Rob, VE3PCP Operating

International Youth Day, August 12, 2019
In celebration we will be operating a Special Event Station from Inverhuron Ontario
VE3IHR Headquarters
on Sunday, August 11, 2019.
Will be on the air at 8AM for the morning.
Will be using 80M, 40M Phone and FT8.
Maybe 20M as well if conditions work.

Activating periodically in, 2019
Various Parks in POTA and CNPOTA
All of our contacts are uploaded at eQSL, VE3IHR
Video from Jan 20, 2019 Activation at Inverhuron Provincial park

Jamboree On The Air
2nd Kincardine Guides and Pathfinders

Sunday September 9, 2018
Paisley Fall Fair
Operating time TBD

Saturday and Sunday, August 18/19, 2018
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
Operating at Kincardine Lighthouse Museum
11AM to 5PM.
Come join us!

Sunday August 12, 2018
9AM to 4PM
International Youth Day on the Air
Rotary Park, at Station Beach
Kincardine, On.